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Prop Holding - PHC - paragraph plate
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In order to allow the progress to proceed seemlessly you'll need to send all communication, here you can upload documents.

Analysis of Credit Profile

Access your most current Credit Profile and review updates to your progress.


Here's a checklist of all obligations and strategic timelines to support your progress.

It's important to your rights as a consumer

LEGAL Stance

Stay in the know!

Your credit profile is a fundamental aspect of your financial identity, and understanding your rights concerning it is crucial. Primarily, you have the right to access your credit report from each of the major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — once per year, free of charge, through Additionally, you have the right to dispute any inaccuracies or errors on your credit report. If you find incorrect information, you can file a dispute with the credit bureau, who is then obligated to investigate and correct any mistakes within a reasonable timeframe. Moreover, you're entitled to know who has accessed your credit report within the past two years for most purposes and within the past year for employment purposes. Understanding these rights empowers you to take control of your credit profile, ensuring its accuracy and safeguarding your financial reputation is OUR PLEASURE!

You Should Know...

It's imperative you take advantage of credit laws that allow you to stay in the know, moreover make expedient action to correct inaccurate information listed in your regard.


Our services are sometimes out of range financially for those ihn the market of addressing their credit repair needs. That comes across as wrong! For those who can't budget the expense, we've compiled documents that will assist with your journey. Access these documents below, in the "Dispute Vault".

What's Against You...

Late payments, judments, collections, bankruptcy, charge offs: OH MY!!!

Oh Wow

Collection agencies must adhere to strict regulations outlined by consumer protection laws, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States. Here are some key actions that collection agencies are prohibited from doing: Harassment or Abuse, False or Misleading Representation, Contacting Third Parties, Contacting at Inconvenient times, and Unfair Practices.

Breakdown of Your Credit Score

There's an alloted percentage regarding the elements considered in your credit profile makeup! You should be aware that 35% that makes up your score is for PAYMENT History! The other percentages and breakdown are listed here.

Growth Suggestions

Improving your financial standing involves a combination of strategies aimed at increasing income, reducing expenses, managing debt wisely, and building savings and investments. Here are some growth suggestions to enhance your financial standing: Create a Budget, Increase Income, Reduce Expenses, Manage Debt, Build an Emergency Savings, Invest for the Future, and Continuously Educate Yourself!

Our analysis is your CREDIT

GATEWAY to Worthiness.

Analysis of your Credit Profile

Our process involves utilizing all of our proven tact and abilities towards improving our clients creditworthiness; we do this by addressing inaccuracies, errors, and negative items on your credit report. This typically involves the following::

  • Analysis of Credit Reports
  • Analysis of Inaccuracies
  • Dispute of Inaccuracies
  • Creditor Negotiations
  • Establishing of Positive Credit
  • Monitoring Progress
Prop Holding - Logo Icon wCircle - gold
They said it, we didn't...

CLIENT corner

There's nothing like witnessing progress!

The plan was to focus on credit, I walked away with an investment property portfolio!
Prop Holding - Logo Icon wCircle 512x512 - gold
Celina Martin Client
At the least, it's worth a call to gain perspective of your standing. At the most, I gained a responsible mindset
Prop Holding - Logo Icon wCircle 512x512 - gold
Tony Smith Client
They really did change my circumstance, I was able to start my business and gain the credit needed.
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Alena Due Client
Our do it yourself Credit Repair Documents

Dispute VAULT

Each Document Selection Contains Info Pertaining to Each Bureau

Our Analisys Will Be Your Key!

CHOOSE A Payment Option

Please Consult with a Property Holding Consultant Prior to Confirmation of Any of the Below

Payment in Full


(starting at)

  • Specific Listing Dispute
  • Specific Three Bureau Dispute
  • Full Profile Dispute
  • Business Specific Listing Dispute
  • Business Full Profile Dispute
  • **etc. (Bankruptcy, etc.)

Installment Pay Plan


Per Month

  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duis aute irure dolor
  • Turpis egestes maecenas
  • Pharetra convallis posuere

Multiple Service Selection


(starting at)

  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duis aute irure dolor
  • Turpis egestes maecenas
  • Pharetra convallis posuere